Tuesday, October 12, 2010

IV (Quattuor)

The past week was interesting, in that we were encouraged to continue to work on our shell drawings, as well as our manikins, and to work on drawing lightly along the lateral lines of the form.  We spent a few minutes working on establishing the spinal curve and the rib cage.  Finding the movement of the spine was so crucial in determining how to create the ribcage.  Once the ribcage is established it becomes clear how the body should appear in the drawing.  The simplicity of the spinal line, truly allows an artist to see the way that the figure is actually moving, or proportioned.  As we continued to draw, we were allowed a greater period of time.  This time was helpful in building on the prior knowledge of the form and the various landmarks along the spine, ribcage, and pelvis.  In addition to the drawing practice, we were encouraged to continue to study our atlas books and pursue further research.  This week there was little attention needed on my manikin therefore, I spent the time drawing various textures, and lines.  In summation, the week was mostly practice, but was very useful and enlightening non-the-less.

1 comment:

  1. I greatly enjoy the line weights and proportions on your controur drawings. It's easy to see you spend a lot of time observing the model rather than drawing from your mind. Your drawings are very successful.
